The Clinic Staff

Our highly experienced medical team are ably backed by our friendly and efficient team of office and reception staff. From your very first contact to our clinic, our aim is to deliver the highest possible standards of patient care.

Dr Julian Handley , MD FRCP Consultant Dermatologist

Dr Handley was born in Zimbabwe and completed his medical training at St Thomas’s Hospital , London . He has over thirty years’ experience as a Consultant Dermatologist based at The Ulster Hospital Dundonald, enjoying being at the cutting edge of advances in Laser and Cosmetic Dermatology in Ireland. As well as an interest in cosmetic procedures, Dr Handley also has vast experience in the diagnosis of skin cancers, surgical removal ,and post -operative after care for the patient.

Mrs Julie Handley is our clinic operations manager

Julie has been actively involved with the clinic since its inception in 1997, taking the first phone call enquiry and booking in our first patient for Laser treatment. Alongside a career in Education, Julie has been actively involved over the years in managing the clinic and looks after marketing, advertising and social media. Julie’s role is also to ensure that your entire experience at our clinic is efficient, relaxing, and comfortable, mirroring our exemplary standards in medical care.

Specialist Nurse Beulah Morrow, is our Specialist Nurse and in charge of our nursing staff

Beulah has 40 years of nursing experience, having worked in surgical wards and Intensive Care at Ulster Hospital Dundonald. Beulah has been with the clinic for almost 20 years and oversees our nursing staff, advises on infection control, supervises the ordering, and ensures that our clinic meets the stringent standards as set out by RQIA’s annual inspection. Beulah assists Dr Handley in our Dermatology Clinics, assisting with surgical procedures. Beulah is also a specialist nurse, offering laser, energy – based devices and cosmetic treatments such as lip augmentation, sclerotherapy and neurotoxins.

Specialist Nurse, Amanda Houston is our Specialist Nurse and runs our Obagi Skin Care Consultaion Service.

Amanda has over 25 years of nursing experience. Amanda has been specialising in Aesthetic and Laser treatments for the last 12 years. Amanda’s experience also includes Radio Frequency for skin tightening , TCA Peels, Sculptra filler injections, and Microdermabrasion. Amanda also offers specialist skin consultations in the use of the acclaimed cosmeceutical Obagi range. This cosmeceutical range is not available over the counter. Obagi products can address common skin problems, such as acne, dryness, redness, and general cosmetic issues and products can be tailored for all ages. Amanda can give expert advice and tailor a skin regime based on your individual needs.

Dr Felicity Burnham, MBChB MRCGP PGdip (MH)

Dr Felicity Burnham has worked in healthcare for the last 16 years. She completed her undergraduate medical training at Glasgow university, graduating in 2007.   After initial postgraduate training in England Dr Burnham completed training in general practice, before specialising in dermatology and aesthetic training with the institute in 2016. She completed advanced dermatosurgery training with British society for dermatological surgery in 2023.

Dr Jack De Wolf, MBChB, MRCGP, BSc (Hons), PGdip (Derm, MH)

Dr Jack de Wolf graduated from University of Manchester in 2014 completing his medical degree as well as an intercalated degree in Pharmacology & Physiology. Since then he has completed training (CCT) in General Practice and undertaken post graduate dermatology, minor surgery, laser and aesthetic qualifications. He has attended advanced dermatosurgery training with the BSDS, multiple advanced aesthetics courses and has obtained laser core of knowledge. His areas of interest are general dermatology, dermoscopy, minor surgery and Laser. He is a member of the Primary Care Dermatology Society, British Medial Laser Association and is on the NI Performers list.

Dr David Todd, MD FRCP Consultant Dermatologist

Dr Todd graduated in medicine from Queen’s University Belfast in 1993. Following his postgraduate dermatology training in Belfast he has worked as a Consultant Dermatologist since 1994. He spent 6 years in the Middle East helping to develop the undergraduate and postgraduate dermatology training programme at a Jordanian university. He then worked as an NHS Consultant Dermatologist from 2000 until his retirement in July 2023. He has continued one private dermatology clinic weekly.

Nurse, Rosie Jackson, part of our of our nursing team.

Rosie has been nursing, with Bloomfield Laser Clinic for 10 years. She qualified from The Ulster Hospirtal in 1977 specialising in Adult Nursing, Paedeatrics and Midwifery. Most of Rosie’s nursing career was spent as a senior staff nurse in the Paediatric medical ward ( U.H.D ).

Nurse Jude Webb, part of our of our nursing team.

Jude trained in Belfast City Hospital, qualifying as Registered General Nurse in 1990 ,then going on to work in General Surgery at the R.V.H. After the birth of Jude’s two sons, Jude returned to Bangor, working in a local GP’s surgery where she continues to work part time. Jude joined the nursing staff of Bloomfield Laser Clinic four years ago and enjoys the contrast of the work there which she feels is current and interesting and enjoys her fabulous working environment.

Mrs Janine Trethowan, Clinic’s Chief administrator

Janine is at the core of our business ensuring that the clinic runs smoothly and efficiently. Janine is the clinic’s chief administrator and leads and coordinates our team of office and reception staff

Mrs Claire Storey, Administrator and Receptionist

Claire works both in the office and reception at Bloomfield, dividing her time between office work and her fashion consultancy business. Claire started her career as a court stenographer, moving on to working in the travel industry, for 9 years, holding the position of Regional Sales Manager for Thomson Holidays.

Dr Bryan Murphy, MD FRCP Consultant Dermatologist

Dr Bryan Murphy is a specialist Consultant Dermatologist. Having graduated from Medicine at Queen’s University Belfast, Dr Murphy completed postgraduate core medical training and Dermatology specialist registrar training in Northern Ireland. In 2024, he sought to expand his professional repertoire and completed training in Cosmetic Dermatology at the esteemed Harley Academy in London.
For several years he worked as a consultant Dermatologist at Belfast City Hospital where he ran both general inflammatory and suspect cancer clinics, participated in teledermatology services, and oversaw and lead a joint consultant and nurse-led genital skin service, before transitioning to the independent sector. He is happy to see patients aged 13 and older, offering expert assessment for all general skin concerns. Dr Murphy is the former-chair of the Regional Skin Cancer MDT Meeting and as such is very experienced in Skin Cancer Screening and Surgical Management.

Mr Jeremy Bond, MD FRCS Consultant Plastic Surgeon

Mr Jeremy Bond is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon since 2013 and is based at the Ulster hospital. He has developed sub specialist interest in Skin cancer, Scar management, Scar revision, wound healing and the use of Medical Lasers. He is the current chair of the Regional Skin Cancer MDT meeting and Multidisciplinary team improvement lead for the regions skin cancer services. He has been extensive experience from several Fellowships including Australia for Surgical Oncology and Melanoma, Medical laser fellowship in Swansea and Reconstructive Cosmetic Surgery fellowship in London. Mr Bond has a particular interest in using C02 laser for scars, wound healing and resurfacing. Mr Bond sees patients of any age and is registered with Aviva, H3, Vitality and WPA.