The clinic offers a comprehensive range of laser and IPL based treatments with the following devices:
- Active/Deep/Total Fx C02 laser
- Standard and fractional C02 laser
- M22 Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)
- Apogee elite alexandrite and NdYag laser
- Erbium laser
- Reaction radiofrequency device
- PiQ04 laser

Treatments include:
- Red mark and thread vein removal
- Brown mark removal
- Tattoo removal
- Long term hair removal in all skin types
- Skin freshening (Active Fx peeling)
- Wrinkle Removal
- Scar Treatments – Including keloid, surgical, traumatic and acne scarring
- Melasma peeling
- Xanthelasma removal
- Removal of benign moles
- ablative standard laser resurfacing (C02 and erbium)
- ablative fractional laser resurfacing (Active/ Deep FX)

Commonly treated conditions include:
- port wine stain birthmarks
- Cafe au lait type birthmarks
- spider naevi
- telangiectasia (thread veins) of the face, body and legs
- brown birth marks
- freckles, lentigos (liver or sun spots)
- melasma (chloasma or pregnancy mask)
- haemosiderin pigmentation (light brown staining over the lower legs associated with varicose veins)
- tattoos of all colours both professional and amateur
- drug induced pigmentation of the skin
- excessive facial and body hair
- in-growing hairs and shavers bumps
- skin freshening
- sun-damaged skin (shrinkage of pores, removal of reddening and freckling)
- poikiloderma of civatte
- wrinkle removal
- scars of all types including red , brown, keloid, acne and chicken pox related
- dark circles under the eyes
- xanthelasma (visible fat deposits around the eyes)

Acne scarring of the cheeks before and after fractional laser resurfacing